Corporate Sponsorship Information
A sponsorship costs $150.00 per year. Your sponsorship year starts from the day we receive your check and ends one year after. Want to see our current sponsors? Click here.
Sponsorships automatically includes placement in our Monthly Newsletter and an ad on this website with your ad linked to your web address where applicable.
Want to sponsor now? You can pay your sponsorship through PayPal. Just click the logo below.
Click the PayPal logo and you will be directed to the Paypal Home Page. Then you select the SEND MONEY tab and enter: as the recipient. (If you are not already a member of Paypal, new account registration may be necessary.)
For further information, you can contact a club officer at
Get started by printing this pdf file
ICC Sponsorship Agreement.pdf and mail it to:
Illinois Camaro Club
P.O. BOX 1284
The ICC reserves the right to refuse or deny sponsorship placement to any vendor that we feel may be inappropriate for our members. The ICC is a non-profit organization, all proceeds fund club events. In the event of excess funding, those additional funds are donated to charities voted on by the officers at the end of the year. Contact the ICC for more information.