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A Club for All Camaro Enthusiasts

As you can see throughout our website, all generations of Camaros are well represented by our membership. Our members span many generations as well. Everyone fits in. The Illinois Camaro Club is on task with this new website, club events, and an interactive way to keep members in touch with each other. Not familiar with the Illinois Camaro Club? Stop by any of our events or head to the Contact Us page and ask the questions, we're always ready to assist.

The Illinois Camaro Club is made up of a Great Group of Camaro Enthusiasts! We currently have over 200 members from all over the state of Illinois, Indiana, and southern Wisconsin! From car shows, cruise nights and burnout contests to Bar-b-ques, tech sessions and road trips, there is always something for everyone. We encourage anyone with a Camaro to join. You will not be disappointed!


Join the Club or Catch up on your Dues here.

Not a member yet? Join here. All the information you need is below or stop by one of our events to discuss the benefits with any of our members. You will find someone there willing to talk to you. Camaros are in our blood.

Remember... if you own a Camaro, no matter what year, or if you're a Camaro Enthusiast and this sounds like fun to you, fill out our membership form and join. We hope to see you at the next event!

Click this form and download our membership application: ICC Membership Application ICC Membership Application.   ICC Memership Application 

Behind on your dues? Catch up here! You can use the safe and secure PayPal way to pay your dues. You can pay online by check or credit card (new Paypal account registration may be necessary).

Membership renewals are sent out one year from the date of joining the Camaro Club. Example: If you join in October 2016, your renewal date will be in October 2017. If your dues are not paid within one month, you will be dropped as a member.

Not sure if you are behind on your dues? Send our treasurer an email to find out.

Click the PayPal logo (box to the left) or go to and you will be directed to the Paypal Home Page. Click the Login button at the top to log into your account.  Then you select the SEND MONEY tab and enter: as the recipient. (If you are not already a member of Paypal, new account registration may be necessary.)

Membership Dues Information

      Annual SINGLE Active Membership - $25.00 per year - includes individual member

      Annual EXTENDED Active Membership - $35.00 per year - includes member and one designated family member, spouse, partner or significant other

      Annual EXTENDED PLUS Active Membership - $35 per year - for one designated family member, spouse, partner, or significant other PLUS $10.00 per year for each additional family member who resides at the same address - thirteen (13) years of age and older

Illinois Camaro Club

©  Illinois Camaro Club. All Rights Reserved.